Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Well News

I should have written more while my meeting with the neighbors was fresh on my mind... ah, who're we kidding here? Nothing stays fresh in my mind these days - Haha! Rambling on, the R.'s truly seem to be a great source of information, and I feel we will become good friends in our adventures.

Before I forget, there's some good news, I think.

At the suggestion of Bruce McG. (well expert), the three of us - Shell, Mike, and I took some galvanized pipe to try and break through a blockage in the well at 28 feet. We coupled together three 10' half-inch pipe with a "T" on top with two 1' pipes for a handle/stopper. Our first attempt to lift the 30' pipe actually broke at the threads of the first joint. Rethinking, we lowered the pipe into the well in 10' sections and attached the couplings over the well while one held it firm. When we lowered the last piece, we attached the tee handle, and were able to start lifting and dropping the pipe with some force. At first, we hit what seemed to be rocks and dirt. A few forceful blows later, it felt like most of the rock was gone and we were pushing into mud. In a couple of spots, the pipe dropped all the way to the stopper, so we continued to lift and push until the pipe consistently dropped to the handle. There still seems to be a small solid shelf at the 28' mark, but I think we got most of the debris pushed down. The most encouraging sign was a welcome reflection of lantern lights down the 6' pipe. I need to get another coupler to add a fourth 10' to drop our puncher down further, but we are jazzed right now.

(Going back a couple of days.)  On his first trip, Bill (the irrigation camera guy) got lost, of course, on his way to the ranch. It's kinda hard to play phone tag when you can't get cell service! When we were able to connect, I led him out there. He commented that he had lived many years in the area, and never knew places like this existed - ROFL. Anyway, he got out his battery-pack irrigation pipe camera, powered it up, and ... voila, no picture. He grumbled that it, "always worked before." Nice guy, coming out as a favor, I'll have him come out again, now that we can see a reflection. I also want to call Bruce McG back out to test the water and tell us what kind of pump we need.

More adventure to come.


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