Saturday, October 30, 2010

I Hate Moving

Yeah, who doesn't, right? Anyway, the second POD is supposed to arrive late this morning, we're still packing, Marian (our horse trainer) is picking up Treasure and Snip (Stinky) sometime this morning, too. It's amazing, all the stuff you accumulate over the years; AND, we only moved 5 years ago, so this is newly accumulated stuff.

I'm probably gonna get in trouble for it, but I plan on taking several railroad ties and other lumber to cut up and make steps up to Communication Rock, as we have been calling it. Portions of the path are a bit steep and slippery. Horse stuff, planters, outdoor furniture, exercise equipment, round pen, metal poles, large barbecue, composters, storage lockers, and canopies need to be moved - and that's just outside stuff that's not already been moved!

Most of the garage stuff is already in storage POD #1, but there's still more to go. We also have to load up all the living room, dining room, and bedroom furniture, paintings, clothes, bathrooms, kitchen, rugs, and school room stuff.

I need to call all the utilities, creditors, subscriptions, family, and friends on our  new address. Oops, DMV too. The US Postal Service website did not recognize my new address, so I altered it to the address used on the mailbox by previous occupants. I need to go by the new post office to confirm that mail gets forwarded to the right place.

So far, Shelley and I have been getting along OK without biting each other's head off, but it is real stressful right now. Pray for us. Our old saying, "Divorce Never, Murder Maybe" still holds true, so if you find me dead, you'll know who did it! (This is kinda stupid to write in a blog, since Shelley will see this and comment!) HAHA honey.

Yikes, Steve

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