Friday, October 22, 2010

Another Update

I haven't blogged for almost a week, now.

Work has been progressing on the electric wiring by Jesse. I asked him to wire for both 110 with generator power and low voltage for battery-stored power from generator, solar, and wind. He's also going to frame in a master bath and walk-in closet for what will become the master suite.

We disassembled 9 interior doors with the frames at a contractor's house. Gary is a nice guy with a good amount of building experience; he gave very practical tips and showed me how to take out the frames and remove the 5 ceiling fans.

BTW, Shelley drove out to Sun Valley and bought a Shopsmith Mark V for $360! Yeah for bargain shopping through craigslist! Good job, Shell.

The dirt road has quite a few more ruts and bumps after our little rain; I hope we can maintain a decent road this winter.

The boys are working with Jesse today on the house, and I'll be at the ranch tomorrow with well expert, Bruce. I'm still researching cell coverage improvement and solar systems.

This blog entry is a bit disjointed without a unifying theme; not my best writing. Sorry about that.

More stuff to come.


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