Sunday, November 7, 2010

Little house in the desert.

Week one on the ranch was certainly an adventure, no running water, no electricity, no propane, no windows or doors. I do have a wonderful husband, three sons and two protective dogs on the ranch.  Every one has been working hard unloading and unpacking.

 The dogs seem to love it here, they roam the house at night making sure every one is safe.  One evening I took a stroll down the dirt road and had the funny feeling I was being followed.  I turned around a few times but didn't see any one, maybe it is a coyote in the brush.  Then up comes Julie , our black and white Akita mix, she just wanted to make sure I was ok.
I dont mind the hard work, but the lack of running water is driving me crazy. The well guy came out one evening while Steve and I were running errands and suggested we use trucked in water until the well issues were solved. Our neighbor Mike has been very helpful.  The plumbing in the house is almost complete. For showers we have guest memberships at the YMCA. I just dont like having to go into town to take a shower.

All of this brings me to the title of todays blog,  My favorite books as a little girl were the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, I was fascinated by how everything was done from building a cabin to preparing food and settling in for the winter.  I am now living my own little house adventure in the desert.  Just like Laura we are having adversities and overcoming them as a family and that is what I like the best.  No TV means that we talk and play with each other more.  I'm planning on no TV satellite until after Michael has graduated high school.  This should motivate him  to work quickly and we all will interact with each other more.

Closer to my heart I think of my Grandmother's family moving from Arkansas to Oklahoma and Texas by an ox drawn wagon. Granny remembered as a little girl having to get out of the wagon to find rocks to put behind the wheels while going up hill so that the oxen could rest.  My mother remembers the family driving out to Modesto, California from Munday, Texas as a five year old.  Grandad had gone out earlier and was building their house and sent a hired man to drive Granny and the Kids to California.  When they got there the kitchen and living room were done and there was an outhouse in the back yard. Compared to these adventures mine is a walk in the park. I will be comfortable in my new house very soon.

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