Tuesday, October 12, 2010

All Is Well

Well, not really, but this blog entry is mainly about recent adventures with our well.

Bruce McG., the local well expert, had a good time checking out our remote acreage, but came to the conclusion that the well has been blocked at 28 feet. He suggested taking a long pipe and trying to punch the blockage down into the well. I stopped by the local hardware to get some galvanized pipe, but I was worried about the weight.

The saleslady suggested using PVC pipe with an epoxy on the end to glob onto the rocks to pull them out. Hmmm. We spent some time figuring out how this could work, problems including: getting stuck on the side of the well casing, having the epoxy drying too quickly or too slowly, and getting enough goop on the end of a pipe. The nice lady ventured her friend who had snaked a camera into a sewage line to search for damage. I talked with Bill for a few minutes, and he graciously offered to meet me tomorrow afternoon to take the plumber's camera snake down the 28 feet to see what's down there.

More good adventures to come! Or is that well adventures? Teehee.


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