Sunday, July 3, 2011

How to install a pool.

First move away from your air conditioned house with a built in spa and pool.  Then wait for summer so that you get really hot and start reminiscing about the good old days (forgetting about the huge mortgage).  Plan A: there are lots of "free" spas listed on craigslist, convince husband to get one - after all it's "free". Plan how will we get it home?  We need a trailer, really we do for hauling water, horse feed, free stuff from craigslist etc., etc... Find a trailer at a reasonable price on craigslist and go down to scripps ranch to buy it ($550 + $20 for the hitch ball), stop at daughter's house for dinner ($45 for pizza). Next day to pick up the free spa stopping at home depot for ratchet tie downs ($25) and buy lunch for 2 sons ($15) at McD's. Gas for said adventures: ($100). We need a filter and some pvc go to home depot again and then Big Lots.  While at Big Lots decide that the 16 foot inflatable pool looks like a lot of fun and it comes with a filter. but the pool plus accessories ($200).  Previously purchased brass hardware to get water from the water main one mile away ($165) and 55 gallon drums for carrying water ($80). Now we have everything we need. (Really, a total of $1,090.. for a free spa.. really?)

Husband and sons choose a spot down hill from our cross the lot drive way, set up pool and start filling while I am at work, but water keeps spilling over the side, prop it up, with PVC and bricks for the night. Next morning when I get up they are busily filling the pool, trailer is hitched to truck, 5-55 gallon drums secured, filled at the water main driven back to our hill and siphoned into the pool, (watch me slip and fall on my behind in the pool) the side of the pool keeps collapsing, maybe the pool should be on level ground? Drain pool to the fruit trees, I'm sure they appreciated the drink. Move pool to the patio closer to the house, and start again. Seems to be working!  I leave for work.  The next morning Steve and Sam get more 55 gallon drums and secure them on the trailer. Down to the water main to fill them up and head for home. Less than half way back one of the tires on the trailer blows out.  Guess the load was too much for the tires, limp home, truck can not pull the weight with a flat tire up the hill to siphon the water into the pool,  When I wake up that day Sam and Steve are emptying the barrels bucket by bucket into the pool, to water the horses, and water the garden, until it is light enough to get up the hill and siphon the rest into the pool.  This is why our pool is only half filled, but the water is wet and cool and I have a great view. (We will try to include a pic, maybe add later when tech-savy son is home)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Try Explaining this One to the Insurance Company

I was getting home late from rehearsal on our moonless dark dirt road, when Sam and I spied a horse crossing the road ahead of us. I slowed down, stopped, and saw it was Snip, our big Tennessee Walker. He was drawn to the car by the headlights, I guess, and he stopped just a few feet away from us on the passenger side, just looking at us. I released my foot from the brake, but was totally unprepared for what happened next.  Snip thrust his head into the windshield, cracking a softball-sized bulls-eye into the glass. Snip was fine. I’m not sure how to tell if a horse has a concussion, but the next morning he was in his pen walking eating and drinking. The car however did need a new windshield and mirror.

Spring Cleaning at Hidden Owl Ranch

First, we had a not-so-hidden morning guest… IN OUR BEDROOM!  Somehow a beautiful owl found its way into our abode, presumably chasing mice, and perched itself very nicely on our armoire.  I have an unfocused shot of him (?) that I’ll try to post with this. (Oops, later edit maybe) The owl was about 9 inches tall with a 2 foot wing span. He was so calm; he quietly flew through the house stopping in our room to watch us sleep. Michael came in and chased him out of our room, but not the house.  He escaped into our attic through one of the boys’ room open ceilings (no drywall yet), presumably to eventually escape through the outside attic opening.
Next, we finally cleared out the nest of our resident mouse/rat.  Wow, what an incredible variety of stuff we found!  A dozen copper pipe fittings, a pen, a screwdriver, a wrench, a sock, 2 pair of undies, a pound of dog food, a lot of fiberglass insulation, pen caps, pencil, water bottle, a solar flashlight, and two boxes of matches were in the stash.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


After going i to work an extra shift out of the kindness of my heart ( and hole in my wallet) I proceeded slowly through various "puddles" after one of the worst rain storms I have ever witnessed.  All I really wanted was to get home to my bed.  On Gavilan Rd there is a large wash but I see several cars and trucks go through.  I proceed with caution and note a fire truck on the other side of the wash.  I get about a third of the way across and my car stalls.  Several trucks, vans and cars pass me.  And my car still will not start.  One nice man from the Dept of Water (teehee) stops rolls down his window to ask if I am ok.  I tell him my car won't start and he assures me he will find a way to help, "The Water Man" forges through and tells the Fire Deptartment ahead that I am Stuck.  Mean while my window is suck half open and it is still raining..
   After communicating through loud speaker and flashing light (No cell signal) the FD lets me know that Water-Rescure in on the way. REALLY?!  I just want to get my car out of the water, Later I learn that my car will not be towed until the water is no longer going over the road.  Next a Not good Samaritan speeds by and a fin of dirty water flys through my half open window. I am now soaked and baby it is cold out side! Crying snd swearing may have ensued at this point.
    After a total of about an hour stuck on the road water rescue arrives. I don a hemet and safety vest, Grab my purse which I have loaded with keys , cell phones, chargers and my litman stethascope and we are off.  The water was slightly more than ankle deep, very fast and very cold.
  An ambulance was waiting for me-once again- REALLY?!  but it was dry and warm, with  blankets and heat packs  I hear them giving report- 50 y/o white female stranded for approximatlly one hour....etc, surreal-
    Since no cell phones are working and I declined going to the hospital-(Ijust left there...)The guys in the ambulance drove me home.  I'll make fresh coffee for them on their next run to RCH.
  I was disappointed that my adoring family was not waiting on the front porch for my arrival.  I carried my shoes into the house, got itno dry jammies and finally went to bed.
   Special note to Karen and Amy: The springs are full and we are expecting quicksand any day now.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December Update

Well it seems that little progress has been made on the Ranch.  We have decided on the name Hidden Owl Ranch, in honor of the owls that are in the area.  We spent some time and money on patching the roof and rebuilding the part over the front door, with some improvement but it still leaks.  Windows are in the kitchen, one in Michael's room and one in the Master bathroom. The boys installed a lot of drywall in the kitchen and living room ceiling. We are still running the house off of the temporary generator, so no water pump, hot water or washing machine. (Note to those I'm working with Monday night, can I come home with someone and do laundry on Tuesday AM?). Hopefully we will have the temp kitchen installed before Christmas. The burnt out mobile home on thelot diagonal to ours has been removed, not sure why or by whom but it sure does improve the neighborhood and the view from communication rock. Lots of rain lately but no quick sand yet. Our horse Snip aka Stinky is home from being boarded during the move, Treasure had to be euthanized on Thanksgiving, so he is very lonely, wet horse these days. My wish for Christmas is for another horse, a puppy and some barn cats. (Shelley)

I'm off for 3 weeks from teaching, but there's no money for projects. Hopefully, we have enough material on the ranch to accomplish some tasks, though. We must, must, must get the permanent generator going or Shelley's gonna kill somebody. I love the girl, I don't want to see her jailed. Sorry for not blogging more; we've had some internet access problems... still. (Steve)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things that Go Thump in the Night

Or is it bump? Or in our case, crunch, plunk, rattle, splash, thud, and crash.

I was awakened several times during the night by a single note on our piano a couple of nights ago. The first time, I thought maybe I was dreaming. Nope, there it was again! Now this is weird; were one of the boys playing a note on the way to the outside privy? Nah, that couldn't be it. The next time I called out, just to be sure. Nada. Ghost of ranch past? Yeah, right. Piano playing dog!? Hmm, but why just one note? BTW, it is way too cold to get out of bed to find out.

The next night, it happened again, but more often. You may wonder why I didn't just close the lid. I would have sworn that I did, but I'm not the only human in the house. The next morning, I saw a frog, but dismissed that thought immediately. The next evening, I closed the lid and put a box on top!

No more isolated piano playing, but my adventuresome noise visitors have started finding other means to wake me. Last night, I heard assorted crunching and rolling sounds coming from our bedroom. Mice! has to be! Bold, big ones! Then, a cup of water on the bedside table was knocked to the floor! A little later, there was a little bump on the bed and a thump on the floor... I want my Mommy!!!

Mice or ghosts, we gotta get a mouser or something. this is driving me crazy!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Little house in the desert.

Week one on the ranch was certainly an adventure, no running water, no electricity, no propane, no windows or doors. I do have a wonderful husband, three sons and two protective dogs on the ranch.  Every one has been working hard unloading and unpacking.

 The dogs seem to love it here, they roam the house at night making sure every one is safe.  One evening I took a stroll down the dirt road and had the funny feeling I was being followed.  I turned around a few times but didn't see any one, maybe it is a coyote in the brush.  Then up comes Julie , our black and white Akita mix, she just wanted to make sure I was ok.
I dont mind the hard work, but the lack of running water is driving me crazy. The well guy came out one evening while Steve and I were running errands and suggested we use trucked in water until the well issues were solved. Our neighbor Mike has been very helpful.  The plumbing in the house is almost complete. For showers we have guest memberships at the YMCA. I just dont like having to go into town to take a shower.

All of this brings me to the title of todays blog,  My favorite books as a little girl were the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, I was fascinated by how everything was done from building a cabin to preparing food and settling in for the winter.  I am now living my own little house adventure in the desert.  Just like Laura we are having adversities and overcoming them as a family and that is what I like the best.  No TV means that we talk and play with each other more.  I'm planning on no TV satellite until after Michael has graduated high school.  This should motivate him  to work quickly and we all will interact with each other more.

Closer to my heart I think of my Grandmother's family moving from Arkansas to Oklahoma and Texas by an ox drawn wagon. Granny remembered as a little girl having to get out of the wagon to find rocks to put behind the wheels while going up hill so that the oxen could rest.  My mother remembers the family driving out to Modesto, California from Munday, Texas as a five year old.  Grandad had gone out earlier and was building their house and sent a hired man to drive Granny and the Kids to California.  When they got there the kitchen and living room were done and there was an outhouse in the back yard. Compared to these adventures mine is a walk in the park. I will be comfortable in my new house very soon.