Wednesday, December 22, 2010


After going i to work an extra shift out of the kindness of my heart ( and hole in my wallet) I proceeded slowly through various "puddles" after one of the worst rain storms I have ever witnessed.  All I really wanted was to get home to my bed.  On Gavilan Rd there is a large wash but I see several cars and trucks go through.  I proceed with caution and note a fire truck on the other side of the wash.  I get about a third of the way across and my car stalls.  Several trucks, vans and cars pass me.  And my car still will not start.  One nice man from the Dept of Water (teehee) stops rolls down his window to ask if I am ok.  I tell him my car won't start and he assures me he will find a way to help, "The Water Man" forges through and tells the Fire Deptartment ahead that I am Stuck.  Mean while my window is suck half open and it is still raining..
   After communicating through loud speaker and flashing light (No cell signal) the FD lets me know that Water-Rescure in on the way. REALLY?!  I just want to get my car out of the water, Later I learn that my car will not be towed until the water is no longer going over the road.  Next a Not good Samaritan speeds by and a fin of dirty water flys through my half open window. I am now soaked and baby it is cold out side! Crying snd swearing may have ensued at this point.
    After a total of about an hour stuck on the road water rescue arrives. I don a hemet and safety vest, Grab my purse which I have loaded with keys , cell phones, chargers and my litman stethascope and we are off.  The water was slightly more than ankle deep, very fast and very cold.
  An ambulance was waiting for me-once again- REALLY?!  but it was dry and warm, with  blankets and heat packs  I hear them giving report- 50 y/o white female stranded for approximatlly one hour....etc, surreal-
    Since no cell phones are working and I declined going to the hospital-(Ijust left there...)The guys in the ambulance drove me home.  I'll make fresh coffee for them on their next run to RCH.
  I was disappointed that my adoring family was not waiting on the front porch for my arrival.  I carried my shoes into the house, got itno dry jammies and finally went to bed.
   Special note to Karen and Amy: The springs are full and we are expecting quicksand any day now.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December Update

Well it seems that little progress has been made on the Ranch.  We have decided on the name Hidden Owl Ranch, in honor of the owls that are in the area.  We spent some time and money on patching the roof and rebuilding the part over the front door, with some improvement but it still leaks.  Windows are in the kitchen, one in Michael's room and one in the Master bathroom. The boys installed a lot of drywall in the kitchen and living room ceiling. We are still running the house off of the temporary generator, so no water pump, hot water or washing machine. (Note to those I'm working with Monday night, can I come home with someone and do laundry on Tuesday AM?). Hopefully we will have the temp kitchen installed before Christmas. The burnt out mobile home on thelot diagonal to ours has been removed, not sure why or by whom but it sure does improve the neighborhood and the view from communication rock. Lots of rain lately but no quick sand yet. Our horse Snip aka Stinky is home from being boarded during the move, Treasure had to be euthanized on Thanksgiving, so he is very lonely, wet horse these days. My wish for Christmas is for another horse, a puppy and some barn cats. (Shelley)

I'm off for 3 weeks from teaching, but there's no money for projects. Hopefully, we have enough material on the ranch to accomplish some tasks, though. We must, must, must get the permanent generator going or Shelley's gonna kill somebody. I love the girl, I don't want to see her jailed. Sorry for not blogging more; we've had some internet access problems... still. (Steve)